So everyone keeps asking me "What do you want for your birthday?" You don't have to bring anything...but if you want to...These are some of my favorite things right now!! I know everyone has a fun stuff from $1.99 and up!! lolol
I LOVE animals! You already know that! So I collect funny or realistic stuffed animal dolls, animal household items, and more!! The website, The Jungle Store, has LOTS of fun stuff...and things are $4.99!!! HERE
Another affordable present is the Marzipan Animals they sell at Dean and Deluca in NYC. They are only $6 and SOOooooo cute!! I usually go to the one on Broadway in Soho.
See how cute they are!!!
Inflatable animals are SOOOoo funny too!!! Awesome future dream will be to turn my backyard into the VERY FIRST ever inflatable animal zoo!! ahahahahahah....would you want to come???
2 fun stores have these HERE and HERE <----this one is cheaper! ...Flamingo is $1.99!!!
For those of you with lots of extra $$$ to mess around with....these are my DREAM
For no reason at all....I want a 5 foot tall Giraffe stuffed animal...soooo funny!! Even this picture cracks me up...just a regular day shopping for my Giraffe!
They are HERE
And if you're a millionaire....can you make me this car/motorcycle!!! ahahahahahah