Backstage at our PASTELS Photoshoot!!! And a THANK YOU for ALL the FUN!!! <3

Been SUPPERR busy doing TONSSS of FUNNN shoots!!!  Here are the BACKSTAGE pics at our SUPER SECRET SUPPERRR GORGEOUS SHOOT!!!!  I literally can ONLY show you the pics of everything hanging up because it’s for a magazine

…but LOOK HOW GORGEOUS!!! <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

CAN’T WAIT to share ALL of these with you!!!!  All NEW items coming NEXT WEEK and a TONNNN of events being announced starting next week too!!!  START Getting EXCITED!!!

The New York Couture HUGE Anniversary SALE is OFFICIALLY OVER!!!!  <3 FINALLY getting a chance to do a quick blog post. Had a wholeee bunch of shoots and fun going on the past few weeks!  Plus creating a TON of new pieces coming!!!

Feeling EXTRA HAPPY and PROUD that everyone had SOOO much FUN shopping and getting the most PHENOMENAL goodies at our HUGE Anniversary Sale!!!!!

Hope everyone got what they WANTED! : )

We SOLD OUT of sooo MANY styles…so feel EXTRA special if you got your hands on those pieces!!!

THANK YOU SOOOOO MUCH for celebrating 12 INSANE crazy AWESOME years with us!!!

BRAND *NEW* items coming to the WEBSTORE in the next few weeks!!!  SOOOOOO MUCH MORE cuteness to come!!!

xox <3


12 YEARS!!!

YAY!!!!!  NEXT YEAR we turn 13!!! TEENAGER!!!  <3 lol


We LOVED celebrating with YOU!!! <3

And THANKS to all of YOU again!!!!!

2017, new year, and gold imagenails, white, and gold image
clouds, city, and bridge imagenature, green, and gif image

xox New York Couture

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