Holy shit just die!

So I normally only post fun stuff about makeup….shoots…parties…and all….but I found this to be soo annoying I had to post it.

This total cock soccer….who helped kill THOUSANDS during the Holocaust is in the news today because he was suppose to be deported to stand trial for his murderness…but his wah wah weeping family is crying that he’s too sick and it’s “torturous” pain to move him.

Well maybe YOU SHOULDN’T HAVE BEEN A MURDERING FUCKER….and i’m sure the “pain” he’s in is nothing compared to death…which he caused for 29,000 innocent people!

so my idea is….DIE A-HOLE!

Whole article HERE


Sorry for the ranting…it just drives me crazy.  His family is seriously retarded to think I could give a shit about him.  Such fuckers!!