New York Couture on STYLE in Italy!!!

It’s beeeeeen a crazy month!!!  First I was in CA for Bamboozle…which I may have a crazy story/posting to come soon about a stealer…lol…I will make you laugh if I have to make a posting about it…promise!  Then I was in London…just got back…and Bamboozle/Hoodwink starts on friday.  No break for me!!  Been super crazy busy with all the show stuff from London…had a shoot today…and will pack everything for Bamboozle and Hoodwink tomorrow…ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh

And with all this going on…more press…and this one is super cool!  New York Couture is on STYLE (which is run by Conde Nast…who does Vogue, Glamour, Vanity Fair, ect) in Italy!!!  I met the writer at my show in London.  She was AMAZING!!  And she LOVED my collection…so of course I LOVE her!!!

Check it out on HERE



New York Couture will be at Hoodwink this Friday May 1st and at Bamboozle this weekend May 2nd & 3rd!!!

We will have TONS of new pieces, CRAZY sale items, SAMPLES, and sooooo much more!!!!!!!

Will post more about this soon : )

Start getting excited!!!!! <—-will be the best one yet….with the BEST surprises too!!