Warped Tour pics from Canada & CT…….Turkey gobbles….and MUSTACHE parties!

All I can say is R I D I C U L O U S!!!!!!!!!!!

I didn’t get to bring my camera to the CA dates…b/c my luggage was soooooo stuffed it was about to pop BOOM!  But Morgan brought her camera for the Canada/CT dates….funniest shit ever!

Below is me with BMX rider Rick Thorne at the CT Warped Tour<— super nice guy ….I rided his bike…lol

LOTS more pics and the funny stories….

The trip started off at my parents house in the Pocono’s….it’s a 9 1/2 hour drive from NY to Canada and I was not about to do that bitch straight!  So we stayed in PA…and the next afternoon started the drive to Canada.  But before we left we had a mission….to see a bear or turkey…but there were none : (

As we left…literally…there they were!!!!  3 TURKEYS!!!!!!  They are my friends….we gobble together….

How cute is this little guy! What shall we name him??????

Got to Canada no problemo and checked into our super fancy hotel.  We had SLEEP NUMBER BEDS!!!!  The constant joke is that i’m always hungry and that i’m pregnant but without the baby…so we went out to eat….I had 1 of everything and Morgan ate 5 pieces of lettuce and 3 noodles (i’m a fatty and Morgan has self control…lol)…so I had any leftovers wrapped up…to enjoy later…

in my sleep number bed!

mmmmmmmm…..such a delicious yumminess!!!!!  MMMMMmmmmmmm

What sleep number any am???   find out…..



that’s right…..100  HOLLER!!

Morgy played with her sleep number bed….we tried all the numbers and were dissapointed it didn’t go down to 0….lowest is 25….booo sleep number bed!

She didn’t want me to show her lovely pics….so she is a strawberry for now….hello Morgy the Strawberry

Our hotel room was INSANE!!!  Had a living room….I guess a dining area….a washroom…and a bathroom….check him out….(photos are kinda sucky/dark b/c I was too lazy to turn on all the lights….but you get the idea)

that’s how we roll!!!!!!!!

Next day was Warped Tour in Toronto Canada…….met LOTS of fun/crazy people like this cute little guy below….all LOVED our FREE New York Couture mustache stickers!!!

Get yours at our tent at Warped Tour….for dates check HERE

and these sexy bitches!!!  <3

Morgy doesn’t dance with her body……only her head…….

I bring it all…..ps…that’s not a penis…..it’s my fanny pack : )  <—-he likes to dance too!!

After our random dance party was over…..crazy and a half shell Hanna Beth found us….bought a Penguin Jumper and Kitty Top….and was out of control in our booth….

not only did I touch her booby….I got to see it too….i’m better than you….lol…she cracks me up!

ps…that’s my real mustache

The next day was Warped Tour in Montreal.  I was sooo excited for this date b/c Montreal is like a fake France and I wanted to practice my sexy french sayings on everyone.  I don’t know how to spell is….but I used  Ju Tancool alot…and it basically means something like I want to fuck you in the ass….always a great start to any conversation…lol

The day started off awesome.  I took a nap on the floor b/c i’m ghetto…lol.  The Millionaires stopped by the booth and bought a whole bunch of stuff.  They pelvic thrust the stage during their show…and I love that….too funny!!!  Did awesome….and then…dundundun….a frickin monsoon started and it was INSANE!!  I thought the world was ending….and we had to close the booth b/c everyone was soaked and getting all the clothes wet and dirty….so no thanks…taped that bitch shut and had a rain party in the booth instead.  But people still came to the booth….we had many visits from strange Canadian boys.  4 boys would not leave…they were soaking wet and just wanted me to put mustcahe stickers on them….and i explained that being wet= not going to work…not too smart those Canadian boys…lol.  While all this is going on…some large man comes over and starts saying hi or something…my response is “your fly is open and I almost saw your wee wee”….he quick tries to zip it and his zipper falls off…Morgan and I (and the 4 annoying boys that wouldn’t go away) die of laughter….poor guy…still soo funny though!!!

Didn’t want to get the camera wet….so the only pics from Montreal are of this little guy……..

….we saw a whole bunch of these as we left….what is he???  I loves him!

Next tour dates are:  July 17th- Philly,  July 18th- NY,  July 19th- NJ,  July 21st- Boston….see you there!!!


Gossip Girl


One thought on “Warped Tour pics from Canada & CT…….Turkey gobbles….and MUSTACHE parties!

  1. Hi girl

    You went to the best city in the whole world, Montreal. I used to live there and all I can tell you, this place is very special. I love the picture with Rick Thorne, you look cute:)

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