Sorry again for the delayed blogs…but a girl’s busy…lol. The New York Couture Official Fashion Week Show & Party is in less than 5 weeks!!! That’s CRAZY! Show details we be posted by Saturday August 15th : ) <----it's going to be MASSIVE this season!!! <---so you better be there!!! The new collection is SOO adorable! You're going to LOVE so many much-es!!! lol! *IMPORTANT* Lots of styles from the current are almost sold i'll hopefully be doing a post on that super soon. Snag what you love now...before it's gone! I still have to post all the Warped Tour photos from so far...and all the super funny All Points West photos from last week. And....if that wasn't enough...Warped Tour in CA starts in a about a see you there!!!! Another CA Festival was added to the events calendar: Street Scene in San Diego on August 28th & 29th with go and visit me!!! Now onto the point of this fabulous post: My love Katy Perry!!! Here's Katy Perry rocking out in the Purple Sequin Vegas Shorts (that come out in September) @ her NYC Hammerstein Ballroom show on July 28th:
SOLD OUT SHOW 3.5K++ Fabulous Fans!!!
Videos from the show: