Holy SMOKES Batman……

What a crazy past few days!!
I’ve been posting every day(except theĀ  past 2 days)…got caught up doing BIG things…
Had a meeting with my favorite NYC store about what they want from the next collection…will keep you posted on that…
Sent lots of stuff to a super well-known fashion publication…
Working on the final details for the next Fashion Week Show & Party…which will be announced VERY VERY SOON!
The sale was also insanity! I hope everyone got some FAB stuff before it ended! And if you missed it…
you can still purchase “normal” sale items at

These photos are from November 2008, when Steve Prue (my official photographer) was out in California. He did a TON of shoots…you saw the ones with Audrey Kitching in the pastel pink one boob leotard. These photos are of Kat & Kaila…they are super sweet hearts and I think these came out excellente!
More Kat & Kaila Photos

This week is going to be a BUSY one!
I was going to say tomorrow…but it’s after midnight…so it makes it today…
today I have a meeting with my manufacturer…
we are going over the final (and hardest to make) garments for this next season’s collection…
I worked on the mock sample today and so far so good…but he’s the final word.
One thing is SOOOO funny…but I can’t say yet…
SUPER EXCITED about this collection if everything works out…
can’t wait to show all of you!!!!!
And soooo many cool things potentially going on for the Fashion Week Show…
keep checking back b/c BIG things are going to happen…
watch out!!!!