Alice in Wonderland is my most favorite movie!! It has been an continues to be an inspiration for my photoshoots….especially this one : )
It’s such a fun story! The best one was the movie from the 80’s….I keep trying to find it online…with failure…boo!! But what I remember is a baby turns into a pig….LOVE it!!! ahah
This shoot was super fun!!!! And best of all…LOVE how they came out!!!!
Check out all the photos from this shoot HERE
MORE in this post!!
I’m sooooo excited for the Tim Burton Alice in Wonderland movie coming out in March!!!!!!!!!!
How AMAZING does it look!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If it’s NOT your birthday today…..then………..A VERY HAPPY UN-BIRTHDAY TO YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Here are some MORE photos from my Alice shoot : ) We didn’t really plan anything out….just jumped into the shoot…which is always more fun for me! The photographer, Malachi and I scouted the area for some fun places to shoot. And we did a frickin GRAND job indeed!! I’d hire us….lol
This was my favorite of all the pics!! Something about it just makes me <3!!
Animals are the best!! Had to try my hands at a Raccoon….think it came out SUPER CUTE!!!
These are Limited Edition…and available for sale NOW! I know the economy is sucking for everyone…so for a limited time these sweet Raccoons are ONLY $60!!!!
Get yours HERE
….have to run now…..going to do a “Pirate” themed photoshoot in Brooklyn….ARGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHH