The City of Roses welcomes New York Couture to it’s funnest boutique!!
Portland Garment Factory
7910 SE Stark
Portland OR, 97215
The shipment of FAB-U-LOUS goodies won’t arrive until next week…but if you live in/near Portland make sure to check out this boutique!!!…and snag yourself some amazing New York Couture gear!!
2 thoughts on “*NEW STORE* Portland Garment Factory…..comin’ straight at ya’!!!”
Wow, that is so cool. Congrats! Question: I know you’re doing a poll for when to do your show, whether on Friday or Saturday but; when exactly will it be? Like what month (because I want my cousin to come with me, but she lives in a different state. So I’d have to know when to make arrangements)?
…if this does happen….it will be in March : )