Lesson learned today is….don’t wait 5 years to go to the dentist!! Paying the price now! Found out I have 4 cavities!! ahhhh crikey!!! Got half done today….it sucked BIG TIME!!
In non-sucky news….yesterday was the K.O.A.G.’s Birthday!!!! = King of all Gays aka Daniel K aka my partner in crime aka Douchey Mc Douchey bopper….lol. He will tell you it was his 22nd birthday….LIES!!! lol. Dindin at Caravan on 6th Street. I of course had to bring re-dick-u-lous birthday hats. I originally had birthday tiara’s….but thought the night was already going to be gay enough…ahahah. It was also little Whitney’s birthday!! It was a DOUBLE WHAMMY! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!
Dan doing what he knows best: BLOWING….ahahahah
Make that wish queen!!!!!!!!!!!!
Best friends for life!!
BIRTHDAY SLUTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This was at a gay club in Brooklyn…we basically bar hopped the whole night…
…random hipster bar…Whitney killing shit…PETA would not be pleased!! lolol
…bar #4…Barcade…<— AWESOME!! They have ALL quarter machines from the 80’s…Pacman, Tetris, and so on!! I lost most games (fuck you joy stick!)…but a re-match is 150% happening!!!!! So watch it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(above: Dan getting KILLED in Punch Out!! Also…not sure if the lipstick on his neck is from the tranny at the gay club or Whitney??? I’m a dick so I’m spreading the word that it’s from the tranny…ahahaha)