Montreal crepe PARTY…How we get DOWN!!

I know this is LONG over-due!!  But this trip was too EPIC to not post!!  Last month after I got back from the SUPER CRAZY amazing Bruise Cruise I literally left right after to do the Pop Puces event in Montreal and to have some play time with my friends out there on my birthday weekend.  It was ONE WILD time! lol

Night one….got to Montreal…what to do?  Le Foufs Sangria pitcher(s) Birthday PARTY of course!!!@@!   …but….they TOTALLY FUCKED ME because for no good reason at all…they decided to NOT do Sangria pitchers for the winter…WTF!!  <=== should be illegal! lol.  We still partied nice and hard anyways!!

Had soo much fun with them!  Missing <3  …especially the boob touching! lol

Now THAT’S  a face!  lol  …and Sophie got a silly lobster tattoo before meeting up with us…I told her the whole night how appropriate that was since she smells like fish…lol.  Please put your sock back on!

iPhones are better because they have apps like this…….FAT FACE creator!  left: me fat!  HOT …sizzle!!  Don’t hate the player….hate the game….lol.

What’s a night without butt photos in the bathroom?!@  Elo wins because her butt was SUPER SHINY!!!  Sophie has a midget butt…lol

Boys were lame and went home…girls rule and we traveled on to get Poutine…mmmmMMmmmm.  It’s basically the YUMMIEST french fries EVER!!!!  This makes me VERY hungry!

The next day was the Pop Puces event…who cares though….best part was meeting this ADORABLE French Bulldog named Herve!!  He HIGH FIVES! lol

Family photo…we LOVEDDDD Herve!!  <3

After the event…Thib made us girls the BEST pasta with tomato sauce and green olives…soooo YUM!  And then we broke out the GHETTO! lol….nothing says class like Domingo Wine Coolers!

Ghetto wine cooler pre-game over…off to Le Foufs …it’s dance party time!!!!!   It’s about to get WILD!!  Birthday Party weekend continues!!!

I LOVE these girls!!  sOOoooOOOoo many much’s of fun!

I told you Sophie is a midget!  Purrfect in your boobies height! lol

Love and pole dancing…typical night with these crazies!

OH NO TROUBLE!!!  Bradley was BEYOND hysterical…BEST/WORST dance moves EVER!!!  ps…peep how short Sophie is again…this endlessly cracks me up!

If you have never been to Le Foufs in Montreal…this is basically what is it…a mosh pit NO MATTER WHAT music plays lol.  It could be hardcore or it could be Elvis…MOSH PIT!

Besties FOREVER!

INTENSE dance off!  lol….I wish I knew which song this was…whatever it was EPIC emotions with hands! lol

This was our square dancing to Dropkick Murphy’s…lolol

Another winner for a song obviously!!  SING IT GIRLS!

BEST ever!!!  This little guy WANTED Sophie BAD!!  So like any good friends Bradley and I instigated him to dance with her.  I was basically humping him into her….she was HORRIFIED! lol

You can’t see Bradley’s AMAZING dance moves from these photos…but picture someone doing stretches before gym class…well that was one of his favorite “moves”….totally HYSTERICAL!  And/or dancing up on people as they attempted to walk past us.  At the end of the night we ended up dancing on the stage and him and I kept sticking our heads through people dancing in the front of the stage…overall AMAZING night!!

Elodie and I at the Pop Puces event <3     Picture Purrfect!

Puces POP d'hiver: au pays des trouvailles 100266

Met lots of fun new people at the Pop event…and saw an old friend that I knew from Brooklyn!!  Sophie being retarded…like usual…lol

left: cute fashion blogger took this photo…I only like having my picture taken when i’m doing something retarded…now see photo on right…lol


After the Pop event…it was my last day in Montreal…overall SAD FACES!  It’s farewell dinner time…we NEED crepes!!  …and gang symbols…of course! lol

…ended up having TWO dinners because the first place didn’t serve crepes for dinner…hi…LAME!  We still ate…fat guy in a little coat…lol.  Below us at the 2nd place…MOTHER FUCKING CATALINA WINE MIXER Crepe Party!!@@ lol

DE-LIC-IOUS!!!!!!  I could honestly eat crepes ALLLL day everyday!!

The next early am I was suppose to leave to go back to NY…one small problemo…SNOW STORM!!   I thought…no biggie…I CAN DO THIS…god i’m an IDIOT!  lol

Started the drive…it wasn’t great out but I thought I could manage…then got on the highway…basically NO visibility…I was following a truck that had blinking lights otherwise I couldn’t see ANYTHING in front of me.  I know…I’m smart! lol.  Truck swerved…I swerved…and BOOM!!!!  CRASHED!@  Went 15-20 feet into 3 feet of snow…and now i’m frickin’ STUCK!  What does any normal person do?  Try and dig yourself out with the super small plastic package your at&t handsfree headset came in…lol.  This wasn’t working…so now I decided to take photos.  Freezing? Dying?  Who cares! lol…it’s moron adventure time!  Luckily 2 trucks stopped and called me a tow truck….

…bored for 2 hours!!  Tow truck drags my sad little rental car out….see photo on left.  But WAIT…it gets better!  I couldn’t use my cellphone b/c I was still in Canada…so I drove the 10 miles to cross the border in the US…to find out it’s a STATE OF EMERGENCY and the highway is CLOSED!  Stranded at a truck stop for hourssssss!!  Met LOTS of funny/weird truck drivers and ate REALLY crappy snacks!  When they re-opened the roads I checked myself into the first hotel…went into the jacuzzi in my skirt and tank top (lol)…and ate at the hotel restaurant with a couple I be-friended.  Fun times…but EXPENSIVE IDIOTIC lesson to learn!  lol

…next day…got out of Blizzard…the drive through Vermont was purdy!  <3

Glacier mountains <3

HI….NEVER EVER EVER will I go to Canada in the winter AGAIN!!  lol…Lesson learned!!  But I still had a smile on the WHOLE TIME…and think it’s hysterical that I crashed my rental car!!  FOR THE WIN!

Stay tuned for MORE photos…from my fake birthday party…and being stuck in a egg cage in Brooklyn!!!  And the REST of the NEW Guns-N-Bows Collection…sooo much fun stuff coming…so check back : )


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